Episode 10 – 5 Positive Thoughts From … Tumblr? – Transcript

Episode 10 – 5 Positive Thoughts From… Tumblr? – Transcript

Hey everyone. Welcome to Twisted Thinking, the podcast that helps you keep your thoughts flexible. My name is Kristin, and today we are going off script. That’s right. For those of you who don’t know or haven’t guessed, I usually write out my episodes before I record, because words are hard, but today is our 10th episode and I just really wanted to have some fun and I figured this would be a great way to do that.

I decided to find a meme and I’m just going to kind of give you my thoughts on it as I read it. And this one that I found, it’s a list of five positive thoughts. I can’t remember where I found it, but it does say that it’s from a Tumblr user called AYSAYAKO. And I, if you’re listening, AYSAYAKO, I’m not disrespecting you or bashing you, this is just a review of your meme. 

So let’s get into it. Five positive thoughts. I’m gonna read them and then I’ll give you my thoughts on the positive thoughts. So number one, number one is several sentences. It says don’t sleep too much. Enjoy being alive and productive. There’s plenty of time to be dead and definitely sleep forever.

Okay. There’s a lot to unpack here. The first sentence: don’t sleep too much. I strongly disagree. Sleep as much as you need to in order to be healthy. Science says, I believe seven to 10 hours is normal for a normal, healthy adult. Sleep is important. If you cannot sleep enough, please go and see a doctor.

If you are finding yourself sleeping too much and you just can’t wake up, can’t get out of bed. Please go and see a doctor. 

It’s super important sleep is so important for overall health, both mental and physical, so sleep, please. In the second sentence, enjoy being alive and productive. I actually, I don’t have a lot to add here. Being productive gives you that sense of accomplishment, and that is a positive feeling for sure.

Enjoy being alive. Yeah. I, I absolutely agree with this. I wouldn’t change this one. As a matter of fact, on my bulletin board here, I have a little note to myself that just says alert, animated, active. And it’s a reminder for myself to try to be in the moment, you know, be alert in the moment, be animated in the moment and be active in the moment just so I can kind of enjoy life that much more.

Yeah. So this last sentence, there’s plenty of time to be dead and definitely sleep forever. I mean, they’re not wrong, but I can’t say that this is a very positive thought. Okay. I, I wouldn’t wake up in the morning and use this as my mantra. But they’re not wrong. Maybe, maybe somebody, you know, finds positivity in that.

I personally don’t. I, I don’t recommend don’t recommend this. Don’t recommend thinking this on a daily basis. That’s. Yeah, just don’t. Moving on. Number two in the list of five positive thoughts. Sometimes nobody really cares if you’re miserable. So you may as well be happy. 

I care. And I don’t even know. You know, someone close to you cares if you are miserable. If I, a stranger who will probably never speak to you, never talk to you or see you care that you’re miserable, then someone who knows you, who knows all of your little quirks and your attitude and your, your personality and knows your past and your future and your present, they care. Okay. They care. That is a lie that it, that you’re telling- or the, this sounds really funny, but RuPaul says it’s your inner saboteur and that’s very true. Not to take life lessons from RuPaul, but you know that inner saboteur is telling you that nobody cares and it’s a lie. Don’t listen. 

So number three, number three, is pretty good. If you cannot solve it, it’s not a problem, it’s reality. And this is, I mean, This is a kind of like almost a modern day, serenity, prayer, you know, the serenity prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things that cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. You know, it’s this person they’re, they’re clearly saying, you know, if you, if it’s reality, you can’t solve it why are you wasting your energy on, on things that you can’t change? 

And I would, I would agree. There are things in life that you can’t change. You have to accept them and you have to find a way to work around them. You know,. 

Number four oh, number four, number four. Happiness is like perfume. You cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.

The first time I read this, I. I laughed so hard and not because I was like, oh, this is stupid, but this is just so funny. It’s such a hilarious, like visual to me, but it’s also so true. If you have ever tried to put perfume on someone, you know, it’s everywhere. That’s all you smell for the next 10 days. It’s ridiculous. It doesn’t matter how many times you scrub your hands or, or you know, take a shower. You’re gonna smell it forever.

Basically, I think what they’re trying to say here is if you can’t find happiness in your own situation, perhaps try to bring joy to someone else and that happiness will like transfer over to you.

I’ll think of a better way to say it here in a minute, but yeah, I think, I think this is actually a really good one. I would word it differently for sure. But yeah, I love this visual. I love this whole thing. 

Number five, if all good things must come to an end, then do not worry. All bad things eventually would end too.

And that’s true. Everything is temporary, right? Good and bad one way or another. Nothing is going to last forever. Some people may find that sad and scary even, but to me, I find it very comforting because you can’t have a permanent state of good, because then it eventually just, it becomes normal. You know, if you don’t, if you have nothing to compare it to, then it’s it, there’s nothing special about it.

And the bad ending. Of course, I think that’s self explanatory. You don’t want bad things to go on. For sure, you definitely want those to end. So yeah, I, I would, I would not necessarily change this either. 

That’s the list. So to sum up, I’d probably change it a little and I, I would actually add a sixth thing.

So I would say, let’s say number one, I’d say sleep as much as you need to in order to be healthy. Number two, I would make, enjoy being alive and productive. I think that’s a really good one. Number three. I would say someone always cares if you’re miserable and if you need proof, just send me a message and I’ll, I’ll tell you. Number four, I would say don’t waste a lot of energy on trying to fix something that you can’t change. Yeah that’s, that’s what I would say.

Number five, I would make the happiness one. So if you can’t find happiness in your own situation, try to bring it to someone else and see if that makes a difference, the effect on yourself. When you make an effort to bring joy and happiness to others is usually positive. So I think, yeah, I think that’s a good way of putting it.

And number six, I would choose everything is temporary. 

That’s my list. What do you think? What changes would you make? Yeah, did I, did I get this right or not? And also, do you want more episodes that are silly and unscripted like this one, if you do, please let me know. I had a lot of fun making it and we’ll see how editing turns out. 

So that’s all for today. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, head over to podchaser.com/twistedthinking and leave a review. It’s the best way to support the show. If something I said caught your attention and you wanna continue the conversation, I invite you to join my discord server. It is free and easy to use. Just click on the link in the show notes. You can also find me on Facebook or Instagram at @twistedthinking22 that’s at twisted thinking the number 22. Big thank you to my patrons without them, none of this would be possible. Thank you so much for listening until next time, be blessed and stay twisted.